Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Thinking @ thoughts

God save thoughts. they just come, without caring of what types, and make something out of you. thoughts, thoughts & only thoughts. sometimes we wonder, is the mind a thought generating machine, and we a mechanism to publish it. . just think, what the hec of thoughts we have, from pretty nasty, to seldom, supreme.
Innovating the way we think, is by far the biggest change, we can undertake for our selves.
lets innovative positivism.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Where there is Peace? - Mumbai 'Rocks'

Mumbai rocks. yes it literally does. and it's my fault, it your fault, and its the fault of everyother indian, who actually allows it to 'rock' to the bottom. We all want 'more' from life. content, we are'nt within ourselves. The politicians 'wants' hikes, corporates, leaders, philothrophists', educationalists', even the pandit's hikes its 'wants'.. let us finally understand the nature to be spread 'terror' within, and then with-out. somewhere we are not content with ourselves, and thus wants others'. let us recalibrate our wants and ambitions alike. terror does'nt stand in front lust. does it........